Remember These Essential Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy and Hydrated!

Remember These Essential Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy and Hydrated!

What should I do to treat my dry skin?

Does your skin gets irritated in the air from a fan or cold whether? If it is your skin type "DRY SKIN"then you would be facing dry skin problems like dry, rough and flaky skin that irritates in cold weather even in the air of a fan. Do you struggle with skin that's dry? Naturally, if you find the headline to be interesting, you are going to keep perusing the piece till it reaches its conclusion. For an appealing and gorgeous appearance, and every kind of skin requires the proper care and treatments. 

Table of contents:

A Fan's stream of cold air during the day or more at night causes dry skin, makes it rough and unmanageable, and gets worse and more damaged if it continues. The skin loses it moisture, hydration that doesn't look good. There are several factors of cause dry skin including environmental, genetics, an improper skincare routine, and bad habits are some of them that cause dry, dull skin making it life less. Some top tips help individuals to proper care for their dry skin and relive beautiful and glowing skin.

  • Moisturizer: Moisturizing is the essential step of dry skin. It is mandatory to apply a moisturizer regularly to keep the skin hydrated and moisturized especially for dry skin sometimes re-application is also needed and better to apply whenever you feel dryness or flakiness.

  • Limit hot showering: A hot shower can strip out natural oils from the skin that can cause dryness; so opt for lukewarm shower instead of a hot shower.
  • Hydration: Hydration is the key to hydrating your skin from within to support healthy skin. Drink plenty of water to hydrate your skin; how much water should be consumed depends on the individual's thirst, skin type, and preferences as well.

  • Humidify the environment: Develop a humidifier at your place to moisture into the air, especially during dry seasons to protect skin from dryness.
  • Sunscreens: Sun exposure also causes skin dryness and redness so always wear sunscreen to protect the skin from harmful UV rays and further skin damage.
  • Limit your bathing time: Excess bathing can lead to dryness so it is better to limit your shower time and avoid much exfoliating your skin.

These all are simple methods that can help to relieve dry skin remember that consistency is the key to your healthy skin; so keep your skin nourished and hydrated following with a proper skincare. In case, the problems still persist it is recommended to consult a dermatologist for dry skin treatments and suggestions. 

What is Dry skin?

Dry skin is a very common issue. Dry skin is as common as other skin types hence it may vary from very dry skin to dry skin and also their symptoms are different. One who has dry skin faces skin problems like skin irritation, itching, dry patches sometimes bleeding, skin redness, and flaky skin that feels and looks rough, damaged, and un-nourished.

What are the symptoms of Dry skin?

Dry skin can be caused by some factors especially in winter and dry and cold climates, low humidity, excessive bathing and harsh beauty soaps, swimming, hot showers or wrong skincare routine and certain skin conditions and when age grows the skin doesn't retain moisture and the skin gets dry. Dry skin problems may result in some discomforts, itching, flaking, cracking, and dry and dull complexion, and has following common symptoms vary from individual.

  • Flakiness: If you face flaking skin, use a gentle exfoliator to remove dead skin cells and moisturizer after exfoliating the skin. 
  • Skin itching: Avoid scratching your skin when you feel dryness or some irritation as can cause skin damage. Choose a moisturizer with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramide, shea butter, and glycerin to smooth out the skin itchiness and relieve the skin.
  • Cracking and fissures: Dryness can make your skin crack on your feet and hands. Use a rich emollient cream or ointment to treat the dry and cracked skin. Wear full-sleeved cloth, socks, and gloves to protect the skin.

  • Skin redness: Skin inflammation and irritation can create skin redness; use a hypoallergenic, fragrance-free moisturizer cream to soothe the skin and avoid harsh chemical products.
  • Tightens the skin: Dryness and dehydration lead tight skin and give rough and dull complexion. Do drink plenty of water hydrate your self withing and use a moisturizer to lock the moisture into your skin.
  • Dry and rough patches: To treat dry and rough patches on skin, use a thick moisturizer cream specific to dry skin and treat rough patches to help smooth and soft skin.
  • Skin sensitivity: Choose skincare products according to your skin type and sensitivity, that are less likely to cause skin irritation.
  • Dry lips: Use a nourishing lip balm or petroleum jelly to keep your lips hydrated.
  • Suitable clothing: Prefer to wear clothing according to the weather conditions such as full sleeves in winter helps skin protected from dryness. Use a thick moisturizer to hydrate, protect, and nourish the skin.

  • Diet and hydration: Indulge in a well balanced diet enriched with proteins essential fatty acids and vitamins and stay hydrated by drinking enough water.
  • Include the best body shower gel or shower creams for bathing limit your bathing time and avoid hot showers. Remember to moisturize after showering and choose dry skincare products with ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, ceramide and glycerine. Moisturize your skin at least twice a day and re-apply if needed. If dry skin problems persist do consult a dermatologist for a proper treatment.

How to get rid of dry skin?

There are a number of skincare products designed for dry skin and it is recommended to choose what works best for your skin. Here are some of the products to be considered to combat dry skin. Staying hydrated helps alleviate dry skin, avoiding hot showers, and keeping your skin moisturised and nourished with moisturizers, body lotion, and body butter are best to treat dry skin. Going with a proper skincare routine can relieve dry skin and in turn can get moisturized, nourished, healthy, and glowing skin. Simple dry skin care routines from cleansing to moisturizing skin will benefit. If the issue gets worsen it would be suggested to consult a dermatologist. A nourishing moisturisers with natural ingredients such as cocoa butter, shea butter, and coconut oil are good for dry skin. You may also include Hyaluronic Acid topical which is the best option to treat dry skin.

Skincare routine for Dry skin:

There are some basic steps that you can opt-in to treat your skin the right way:
  • Hydration: Beauty comes from the inner side! Drinking enough water keeps the skin hydrated and moisturized with extra benefits to your skin and health.
  • Gentle and Mild cleansing: Use a mild cleanser that is free from paraben, sulphate, fragrance, and chemicals and choose an appropriate one according to your skin type.
  • Moisturize the skin: Moisturising skin is an essential step for any skin type, especially for dry skin. Moisturize your face and body after bathing. Choose a moisturizer according to your skin type and concern. You may use a good quality moisturizing cream, body butter, or a body lotion to keep your skin nourished and re-apply whenever needed or if you feel dry.
  • Hot shower: Steaming and hot showers can also cause skin dryness so it is better to avoid hot showers as lukewarm water to prevent your skin from dryness.
  • Humidify: Dry skin skin gets irritated in cold and windy weather and becomes more dry and lifeless. Humidifiers can increase the level of moisture in the air, especially in dry environments that will help your skin protect.
  • Avoid harsh products: Don't use products like alcohol based toner and always avoid too much skin exfoliation. Be gentle to you skin and opt in for a suitable skincare regime.
  • Sun protection: Always remember to wear sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage and UV rays prior 15 minutes to sun exposure. This protects skin from sun rays as well as offers a great skin benefits with it's nourishing ingredients and formula.
  • Pat Dry: Be gentle to your skin and don't rub it harshly to cleanse or remove the excess water. It is a better option to let your skin dry naturally.

(1) Dry skin for Face:

If you have to deal with dry skin on your face, start with a mild and gentle cleanser. You must include moisturizer with hyaluronic acid or ceramides. Avoid hot water or steam, harsh chemical products and drink a plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. 

(2) Dry skin for Body:

To treat the dry skin on your body, first thing need to change is avoid harsh chemical soap, you may replace it with chemical free and organic and herbal soaps or you can use shower gel or cream to cleanse your body. 
  • Look for the products that contain natural ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and ceramides which are well known to treat the dry skin and that retains skin moisture. 
  • Avoid hot showers and steaming, do use cold or normal water for showering and limit your bathing time. 
  • You may include some natural and essential oils for massaging to keep your skin healthy hydrated such as coconut oil and almond oil are a great moisturizer to heal dry skin.

  • Drinking an enough water and maintain a good diet rich in omega 3 and fatty acids will improve skin hydration. 
  • Always use a body lotion, it keeps your skin moisturized and hydrated for long hours and it also helps to get rid of dry, flaky and rough skin, repairs damage and dead skin cells and lightens and brightens the skin tone.
  • Consistency is the key in dealing with dry skin. Upgrade your self care routine to the most appropriate once and correct your skincare regime; 
  • You may seek for dermatologist if the dryness persists. It would good if you do opt in skin minimalist approach. The minimalist approach which is also skin minimalism is a skincare regime that includes only essentials and the products only that is needed, with less or no makeup. This approach is the trend of the season and the future that worth it. You may seek for dermatologist if the dryness persists.
  • Limit bathing: Excess bathing is an another factor that causes dryness. Limiting your bathing time can prevent your skin from dryness and protects it.

How to choose the right product for my dry skin?

There are number of skincare products designed for dry skin and it is recommended to choose what works best for your skin. Here are some of the products to be consider to combat dry skin.

  • Moisturizers: Look for thick, cream based moisturizers and ointments high i hydration and moisturizer. Look for the ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, ceramides and shea butter that are recommended for dry skin.
  • Soap for dry skin it was suggested to avoid soap specially for dry skin as soap are harsh on our skin that makes skin rough and dry also. Now there are brands that sells organic and herbal soaps which are free of chemicals and fragrances. This soap protects skin moisture, keeps it nourished and doesn't makes our skin dry. You can replace soap with a shower gel or shower creams which are a great option for dry skins. They comes with natural oils and with moisturzing formula that keeps our skin moisturised with soft and supple feel. After several uses of this shower gel or cream you can feel the changes.
  • Cleanser: Choose a gentle and hydrating cleanser that strip out skin's nature moisture and avoid using harsh soaps and choose chemical free and alcohol free products.
  • Body shower gels: Instead of using harsh chemical soaps one can switch to that gentle body shower creams or shower gel with moisturizing formula to clean and moisture, hydrate the skin at the same time. Normal soaps are made with harsh chemicals that makes the skin more dry and dull with lost skin's natural oil. Take a loofah in your hands and pour a coin size of shower cream or gel onto it. Start gently rubbing it on your skin with a circular motion from head to toe and avoid using it on your face. Enjoy body massaging gently and cleanse with water or take shower for clean, clear and moisturising skin at a time. And, last but not least don 't forget to moisturize your skin; use a moisturizing cream or a body lotion to nourish and hydrate your skin. Shower gel and creams comes with moisturzing and hydrating ingredients with creamy and gel texture that makes the skin smooth, soft and nourished and doesn't let skin dry and improves skin day by day on regular usage. Don't worry about dry skin if you forget to wear body lotion will keep your skin hydrated for long hours.

  • Body Lotion: Body lotions are good keeping skin mositurized, not only in winter but using body lotion in every season will keep you skin hydrated and youthful. Body lotion with natural oils such as coconut oil, cocoa butter, shea butter and hyaluronic acid creams are great for dry skin. It comes in a form of gel or cream, serum and other forms. 
  • It is essential to use body lotion everyday for healthy, soft and smooth skin. Use a nourishing body lotion after shower on your fresh and damp skin to hydrate.
  • Exfoliators: Choosing a gentle exfoliators to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells and use a moisturizer after it. Choose exfoliators ingredients such as AHAs(alpha hydroxy acids) or beta hydroxy acids(BHAs) or hyaluronic acid scrubs.
  • Body Oil: Apply a moisturizing oil to your skin after shower to lock in moisture to prevent the dryness.
  • Hypoallergenic and fragrance free: If you have sensitive skin choose the products that are fragrance free and hypoallergenic which are less likely to create skin sensitivity or irritation.

  • Serums: Look for hydrating serums such as hyaluronic acid serums are best for dry skin, as well as vitamin c, niacinamide are considered good. Apply an even layer of serum onto your skin and use moisturizer after serum to lock the moisture of serum into your skin.
  • Sunscreen: Protect your skin from Sun and harmful UV rays which is an another reason of dryness due to sun exposure and choose a high SPF sunscreen at least 30 or more.
  • Lip Balm and Cream: Use nourishing lip cream and balm to moistuire and heal your dry and chapped lips. Choose a lip balm according to your skin type and consider ingredients such beeswax, shea butter and petrolium jelly.
  • Prescription: In several cases such as dry skin condition like eczema, it is better to consult a dermatologist that may prescribe medicated creams and ointments.
It is recommended to choose the skincare products essential to your skin type and specific concerns. Doing a patch test helps to know what works best for your skin type and consult a dermatologist if problems persists.

Infographic for details about Dry skin

Frequently Asked Questions For Dry Skincare(FAQs)

Question: What causes a dry skin?
Answer: There are many reasons and factors that causes dry skin such as cold weather,low humidity, excess bathing, chemical soaps and naturally is your skin type is dry.

Question: How can I prevent dry skin?
Answer: A proper skincare routine that includes moisturizing skin regularly, avoid harsh chemical soaps and choose appropriate products according to your skin type can prevent dry skin.

Question: What are the common symptoms of dry skin?
Answer: Generally, dry skin symptoms are like flakiness, redness, rough and tightness on the skin and dull complexion.

Question: Does diet affect dry skin?
Answer: Yes, a balanced diet with rich fatty acids and essentials , vitamins and antioxidants helps maintain a healthy and supple skin.

Question: Are there any specific products for dry skin?
Answer: There are various products found for specific skin type including moisturizer, face wash creams and cleansers as well. The are also being labeled as moisturizing, nourishing and hydrating.

Question: Can dry skin cause any other skin problems?
Answer: If it gets worsen or ignored dry skin lead to eczema, dermatitis and other skin conditions. So it is needed to address the dryness in a proper way.

Question: Can I exfoliate the skin if I have dry skin?
Answer: Yes, exfoliating helps to get rid of dead skin. You may use it frequently with gentle care.

Question: Can dry skin cause allergies?
Answer: Yes, Further skin dryness can cause some skin conditions and allergic reactions such as skin inflammation, redness or skin irritation.

Question: What is the best way to treat dry skin?
Answer: Use a thick, hydrating moisturizer(one I would suggest body butter - which generally has thick texture compare to other moisturizers and best for those having dry skin), using a humidifier, less shower time can help. 

Question: Can dry skin be a symptom of another underlying medical condition?
Answer: Yes, Dry skin lead to skin conditions such eczema, psoriasis and hypothyrodism. If you face any skin problems consult a dermatologist and skin specialist.

The conclusion

Taking adequate care of your skin is a personal challenge for everyone, whether you have dry skin, oily skin, acne prone skin, or sensitive skin. One of these is dry skin, which displays itself by scaling, itching, and cracking for a variety of causes. As consequently, this article covers a dry skin self-care routine, treatment, and the reasons of dryness, and additionally how the skin loses its natural moisture. The part that follows addresses how to identify and handle dry skin symptoms, and the following section provides an overview of the most effective items for the condition of your skin, such as moisturizers, cleansers, serums, body lotion, and so on. Finally, you'll find a part with some enticing infographic presents for skin that is dry, causes of dry skin, and solutions to fix dry skin. I hope this post will prove helpful for everyone who have dry skin and will help you enhance the way it looks of your dry skin. In addition offered essential details on choosing a suitable treatment to treat your dry skin, plus a few frequently asked questions and answers to help customers clear up their doubts. It talked concerning your dryness skin's hygiene demands and how you should care with it. Similarly, I have a separate piece for picking the right hair care routine and product for healthy hairs, which you can read here: "What Makes Your Hair Care Routine Best For Your Hairs?"