They Are To Wear With Confidence And Sure Will Make Your Day

They Are To Wear With Confidence And Sure Will Make Your Day

Why do women love to wear lipsticks?

A single lipstick is enough to make your day. The lipstick lets the one benefit her look on it's personal preference, choice and individual style and comfort. 

Table of contents:

    It is a versatile product in makeup that has several benefits for women and here are the reasons why women love to wear it:

    • Completes makeup: Lipstick can not be forgotten in makeup. It is the thing that completes your makeup look with contrast to your lips adding charm to your overall look.
    • Photogenic: Lipsticks define the lips in photographs and give an attractive look to your photos that restores your memories
    • Refreshing: When you wear lipstick it always freshens your appearance without the need for extra makeup.
    • Experiments: Women love to experiment with lipstick colours and shades to find what suits them best and that makes them versatile.
    • Youthfulness: Particular shades and colours and their formulation make lips plump and fuller giving a youthful look to your face.
    • Expressing herself: Different lipstick shades and tones let women express their personality and style like women with bold red lipstick define confidence whereas soft pink denotes a delicate look.

    • Enhance the appearance: Lipsticks are worn to enhance the overall look and appearance of yourself. Whether you are going to attend a party, wedding or ceremony or it is an office party - the different colour looks perfect for different occasions and that makes you the centre of attraction.

    There is no secret that lipstick is the favourite of all beauty products for women. Just a single lipstick changes your entire look. Wearing lipstick not only enhances your look but also makes your day great. From bold lips to light, tinted and shimmer lipsticks are the biggest trend of beauties. When you swipe a colour on your lips it adds extra effort to your look and with the perfect shade of lipstick you will be the centre of attraction. 

    What are the new lipstick shades and trends? 

    Nowadays it is a trend nude and nothing is going with it! Wearing a bold lip colour or nude one is the centre of attraction - Nude brown shade 36 matte lipstick to wear all day long and it's perfect for Indian skin tone you may also pick antique rose nude shaded comfortable to wear all day long.

    • Creamy Lipsticks: Creamy lipsticks with their non-drying and hydrating formula keep the lip moisturised for long hours and protect it from drying, also giving you a smooth and hydrating texture. These can be more comfortable to wear all day long without getting your lips dry. 
    • Liquid Lipsticks: Liquid lipsticks offer a long-lasting and matte finish that makes a bold statement. They are tend to more drying so, it would be best to apply a moisturizing lip balm before the liquid lipsticks. There are wide varieties of colours and shades found in liquid lipsticks- highly pigmented, long-lasting and matte finish. Choose a perfect one according to your skin type and undertones and one thing - Nudes never go wrong with a dusky skin tone.
    There are several colours and shades with a different formulas from creamy to liquid and gel. Some well-known shades are deep and misty maroon, chocolate brown, sheer pink, brick red, lilac, purple and more. You may also go for shimmery glimmer sticks for shiny lips, especially for lighter tones.

    How to use a lipstick perfectly?

    Lipsticks are to be chosen according to your skin and undertone, comfort your personal preferences; occasion and style too. Here are some steps that can help you get the perfect lipstick look ever;
    • Know your skin and undertone: Know whether you have a cool, warm or neutral undertone. This step plays an essential role in finding the perfect lipstick for yourself. For; a warm or coral undertone will complement warm undertones, pink, purple and berry shades will complement cool undertones while a neutral undertone goes well with both warm and cool undertones.
    • What is the occasion?: According to the occasion; different styles and shades are to be chosen. For some parties or evening occasions vibrant and bold colours are the perfect choices while neutral/natural shades look great for everyday looks.
    • Prefer your style: Your personal style and comfort always comes first. If you like a natural look go for nude or sheer lipsticks. If you love to experiment and creativity choose some bold unique styles.
    • Test shades on your skin: Before purchase; do a patch test on your wrist or back of your hand to see how it will to your skin tone. You may also try it on your lips if there are samples available at the store.
    • Your lips and size: The lip's size visually alters the lip's overall appearance. Darker shades make lips look smaller while light colours make them look fuller.
    • Lipstick Finish: Choose from various lipstick finishes such as liquid, matte, satin, gloss or shimmer according to your choice and preferences.

    • Choose in natural light: Try to buy any colour of cosmetics in daylight to see the real colour of the lipstick shade on your skin tone and how it looks.
    • Recommendation: You may search for suggestions and also consult makeup professionals for advice. 
    • Experiment: Makeup is an art and lipsticks are versatile beauty products. Get your hands on different colours and shades to find what looks best on you.

    What are lipstick colours to choose from?

    Nowadays, there are several colours and shades of lipstick to adore! Different occasions and preferences make us try different lipsticks and colour shades and here are some amazing ones to start with;
    • Nude Shades: The top trending and most versatile ranges from pale beige to brown. They give a neutral, more natural and minimal look that can match with various outfits and makeup styles.
    • Pink Colour: This is an evergreen and loved by all women. It comes in various shades such as dusky pink, rose pink, baby, and fuchsia are common. 
    • Coral: There are much coral lipsticks with several tones to wear comfortably in all seasons. Pick the right shade for your skin and undertone, a colour that matches the event or occasion.  You will surely love coral lipsticks giving a soft, smooth and matte look. 
    • Brown Colour: Some popular brown lipsticks include nude brown, taupe, coffee and chocolate shades. The gives a neutral and bold statement to all over your look.
    • Purple: Celebrities made this colour talk of the town! Purple lipsticks also offer a variety of hues from lavender to deep shades. It can be fun to start with some creativity with the shade.
    • Orange: Orange looks bold! There are soft, peachy tones to neon oranges in lipsticks.
    • Mauve: Mauve is like a blend of purple and pink undertones to create a sophisticated look. They flattered to suit most skin tones and shades.
    • Burgundy: These are some bold, deep and rich colours perfect for creating a dramatic look.
    • Metallic and Glitter: These lipsticks add shimmery shine to your lips. This goes well with light skin tones and choose to be for special occasions makes you a centre of attraction.

    • Ombre: Ombre lipsticks include is about blending two or more lipstick shades to create a gradient effect and it looks unique and artistic.
    • Matter: Matter lipsticks are commonly long-lasting, non-reflective have a flat finish and are most used nowadays too.
    • Satin Lipsticks: Satin lipsticks give a slightly glossy colour-finished look giving you a plumper and fuller lips appearance.
    Remember to choose an appropriate colour and shade according to your skin and undertone and never be afraid to experiment with various shades for your special occasions. 

    Frequently Asked Questions About Lipsticks(FAQs)

    Question: What is lipsticks are made up off?
    Answer: Lipsticks are typically made up of mixing wax, some natural oils, pigments and sometimes with some fragrances and with SPF.

    Question: How to choose the right lipstick shade for my skin?
    Answer: The best lipstick shade for you depends on your skin tone(and undertone), and your personal preference. You may experiment with different shades to find what suits you best.

    Question: What types of lipsticks are available?
    Answer: There are several lipstick types including matter, liquid and creamy lipsticks, satin, glossy and sheer too.

    Question: How to make lipstick last longer?
    Answer: To make it last long, use a lip liner as a base, blot with tissue and re-apply another layer. Additionally, there are various lipsticks available that last long with smudge-proof and waterproof features.

    Question: Are there lipsticks with SPF to protect from the sun?
    Answer: Yes, some lipsticks contain SPF and provide sun protection to your lips. You may look for the product ingredients featured on the label/packaging of the product. 

    Question: Can I use lipsticks as eye-shadow or blush?
    Answer: Yes, you can use lipsticks as a cream blush and eye-shadow too and make sure the product is safe to use for the face and blend it well.

    Question: How do I remove lipstick stains?
    Answer: You may use micellar water makeup remover or any oil-based cleanser to remove lipstick stain from your lips.

    Question: What is the shelf life of lipstick?
    Answer: Generally, lipstick comes with 12 to 24 months shelf life hence it can vary from product. Check on the product packaging for an expiry date or shelf life of the product.

    Question: Can lipstick cause dry or chapped lips?
    Answer: Some lipsticks contain drying ingredients as well as depend on the lipstick type. It is best to better cleanse and moisturize lips with a lip balm or cream underneath especially if you have dry skin.

    Lipsticks are versatile makeup products that enhance the look. You can say it is mandatory to have lipstick as makeup can not be complete without a lipstick. It is essential to choose the right product for your skin tone and it is fun to experiment with different colours and shades. So never be afraid to do it! 

    The conclusion

    I can tell you that if you have only one lipstick on, you don't need anything else to finish off your beauty look! Is this not true? You will be thrilled with this after reading the whole piece. This would be especially ideal for women who dislike wearing makeup of this kind. Now let's get going! Learn about the reasons why women of all ages adore wearing lipstick. Next, research different lipstick formulas and hues that complement different skin tones. Further on like this, since we all know that every skin type needs a perfect match, I wrote another article on lipstick shades specifically for Indian dusky skin tones, which you can read about in "How To Choose A Perfect Lipstick For Dusky Beauties?" If you still have questions, you can read through the frequently asked questions and answers to get all the information you need.