An Awesome Handheld Massaging Tools For Face Rolling - Jade Rollers

An Awesome Handheld Massaging Tools For Face Rolling - Jade Rollers

Do Jade rollers actually work?

Jade Roller and Gua sha both are skincare tools that originated in the traditional Chinese medicine system. They are generally used to promote facial massaging, relaxation and improve blood circulation and reduce puffiness. A Jade roller is a small tool, handheld and made from a piece of jade stone. It usually has a large roller on one side and a smaller roller on the other end. You need to roll it over your face in an outward m with using a small and large roller according to the skin area like small roll is suitable for under-eye area and nose massaging.
Well, Jade rollers are not new. This latest trend of skincare routine is not totally new but it has been used for centuries as an integral part of Chinese skincare and beauty regimes and now it is trending all over. The act of face rolling is thousands of years old and used to keep skin youthful and now they are back! 
Trending everywhere including social media.................

Table of contents:

What are Jade rollers?

Jade Roller a massager For the Face is a trending skincare regime and an effective beauty tools that benefits youthful and healthy skin jade rollers are effective and energetic beauty tools trending almost everywhere. These beauty tools have a cooling effect when used for facial massage. The real jade rollers are made from jade and with a combination of jade and rose quartz. Authentic Jade rollers are expensive - cost more than cheaper ones that are made from marble, glass, serpentine or quartz. They have been used for decades, especially in Chinese traditions; they are pretty effective facial tools used by women for face massage. They help to reduce puffiness, and inflammation improves blood circulation to the skin and adds glow.

Gua Sha Facial Tools: Gua sha is also an ancient Chinese technique that denotes a flat, smooth tool made of jade store, quartz and other stones to gently massage over large skin areas. Gua sha is also used to simulate blood circulation and massaging for radiant complexion. It gently releases facial muscles and gives a relaxed appearance. It is an important tool beneficial for relaxation and a skincare hence results may vary from person to person. Do learn a proper technique to use any skincare tool or do consult professionals. 

How to use a jade roller for the Face?

Jade roller is an easy-to-use tool for face and skin massaging. To use it; start with a clean face. You can use or apply some essential oil, serum or a moisturizer cream to that more soft and creamy massage over your face and skin.

  • Start with the forehead: Start from the centre point of your forehead and roll it outwards and inwards in a circular motion or hands-free pattern. Be gentle and do upward strokes.
  • Eye and brows: Gently roll the jade roller over your eyebrows and around under the eye area with a small stone of jade roller. Massage with a roller from the inner under-eye corner to the outer corner. Move slowly, take care and be gentle with the delicate eye area.
  • Cheeks: Roll the jade from the centre of your face moving it towards the ear and vice versa. This helps to reduce puffiness and plump the skin with increased blood circulation.
  • Nose: Roll the jade around your nose area with the small stone of the roller follow the natural bone structure and move in that style.
  • Mouth and Jawline: Roll along with your upper lips lower lips and jawline in upward direction.
  • Neckline: Finish massaging with rolling down to your neck from the jawline.

Simple Tips for massaging: The jade roller is designed with the purpose of relaxing the muscles of your face and skin and not being hard. Do not press it too hard and let the roller work on the skin gently. Maintain a consistent rolling and roll at least 4-5 times before moving on. Roll and massage in upward and downward directions. You can also store the jade roller in a refrigerator for a cooling massage which helps reduce puffiness. Jade roller facial massages are for muscle relaxation and self-care along with improved blood circulation and they reduce puffiness also, hence the results vary from person to person. It would be recommended to consult a dermatologist before opting for any new skincare product or technique.

How to pick the right jade roller for your face?

Real jade rollers are made up of jadeite and nephrite materials that usually come in Dark Green(Olive), Blend Of White and Cream Colours.  It is very important to pick real and authentic jade rollers as buying cheap jade rollers will not be worth it and actually not work! If you have bought any of the jade rollers the one thing you can do is -

  • Put it in the refrigerator(fridge) and then use it for a cooling massage effect.
  • To check the real jade, take it in your hand and hold it for a few minutes. 
  • It has a cooling effect, a smooth and cool touch that you can feel it.
  • If you feel warm, then that is not the real jade
And, the one thing you can differentiate between real and fake jade is - 
  • its texture! Real jade rollers look - specked with milky white and black
  • jade rollers easily get broken if it is dropped so be careful.

How Often Should I Use Jade Roller? 

Facial massaging using jade rollers every day for 5-10 minutes actually helps to maintain healthy, young & even more glowing skin when regularly looking, feeling healthier skin. Jade rollers are effective and energetic beauty tools trending almost everywhere. You will enjoy pampering your skin with a cooling massage effect.

What are the benefits of Jade Rollers?

(1)Reduces Puffiness and Eye bags

Who likes these ageing signs on the face? To overcome this issue a small tool of Jade Roller can help out. A few minutes of facial massage improves blood circulation to the skin, roll it over your face in upward and downward motions. It relieves the skin, eases stress and relaxes. Eye puffiness, wrinkles and fine lines are the most common problems we all are facing nowadays. In today's busy lifestyle, lack of sleep, stress, hormonal changes and others are the cause of tired and dull skin. 

(2) Reduce Inflammation

Cooling objects helps and soothes inflammation, such as ice. Thus it would be best to keep it cool before you use it, and store it in a fridge before you use it. It helps to reduce skin inflammation, and swelling and the skin feels great with a cool massing effect.

(3) Skin Relaxation

The very common benefit of massaging skin is "Relaxation".
When you massage your face with these massaging tools skin gets relaxed benefits similar to beauty facials, help in reducing signs of ageing and other skin benefits such as skin breakout and inflammation.

(4) Can be used with serums and creams

The handy use of serum and creams gets it to seep into the palm or fingertips hence with this beauty tool of Jade roller one can minimise such a small loss of costly skincare products plus when used with jade roller with moisturizer creams and serums get penetrate and with quick deep absorption that may help better to revive beautiful skin.

(5) Reduces wrinkles and sagging

Jade rolling is an easy way to do at home for facial massage. face rolling helps reduce some of the fluid buildup by reducing puffiness. If you cool them and use they calm skin irritation, tighten the pores, and reduce the appearance of signs of ageing, fine lines and wrinkles that as a result give fresh, bright and firm skin.

How to use a Jade Roller?

Real jade rollers come with cooling and smoothing effects and can be used anytime. To pamper your skin, You can use it on a clean face, over makeup whenever you go. 

  • Take a jade roller in your hand.
  • Start face massaging in a circular motion.
  • Cover up all face areas like forehead, chin and eye area.
  • You may put it in the fridge for a more cooling massage effect.
These beauty tools are specially designed to be used all over the face and eye area.

Do These Jade Rollers Actually Work?  Anti Aging, Smoother and Healthier Skin With Healthy Facial Massage Tool is an easy cure for your daily skincare routine massaging skin daily fastens skin blood flow, rejuvenates and improves skin texture and skin's appearance. Jade rollers are easy-to-use facial massage techniques that gently massage your skin that in turn improves blood circulation, reduces puffiness, and removes fine lines and smile lines. It has it's benefit of massaging your skin p.  Massaging the skin improves and boosts blood circulations, improves skin elasticity, helps in reducing stress and fade fine lines and wrinkles results in anti ageing effect.

An Effective way/simply trick to reduce puffiness for brighter skin:

  • Regular massaging your face brightens skin complexions and makes smooth and firmer. Regular and correct use of Jade rollers and Gua sha and Face rollers helps in boost blood circulation to the skin that in turn gives glowing and radiant skin. 
  • There are a lot of option for facial massaging tools like Rose Quartz Massager for Face/Rose quartz Gua Sha for face can be used for facial massage, neck, eyes, nose and body that relaxes and relives in puffy eyes, fine lines, wrinkles and improves skin elasticity for anti ageing skin.
  • Face rollers and Gua sha can be used before and after each use. You can put it in refrigerator at night and use it in the morning will give a cooling sensation effect and energises skin while massaging. For beautiful skin, massaging face in everyday skincare routine must include. It would be good to use it twice a day; once after shower in morning and once before sleep.

Infographic images for Jade roller, uses and benefits

The conclusion

This fantastic post introduces the skincare and massaging tools of Jade roller and gua sha set, which have been used for ages, particularly by Chinese customs, and have now spread globally! This post will teach you about massage tools for your skin, as well as how to use them and choose the proper jade roller and gua sha set for yourself. Carrying on, it summarizes the fantastic advantages when using jade rollers for your face, which bring amazing skincare benefits such as lowering puffiness, inflammation in the skin, and a feeling of self-relaxation to the skin, which aids in achieving the result of healthy and brilliant skin. Next, study on for effortless essential tricks and tips for using jade roller and gua sha tools that will give you a better grasp of the massage tools. Furthermore, enjoy some lovely graphical depicting the jade roller and gua sha usage and advantages for skin massaging.  So, are you ready to pick one and beginning a self-care and skincare regimen?