How to Use Banana Peel for Acne, Wrinkles and Moisturizing Skin?

How to Use Banana Peel for Acne, Wrinkles and Moisturizing Skin?

Beauty Secrets of Banana Fruits

Bananas have several nutritional benefits that are good for our skin and keep it healthy. Bananas are the most consumed fruits all over the world, Bananas are simple fruits which easily available and have powerful and beneficial nutrients. Bananas are rich in nutrients like; Potassium, Vitamins A, C, and B6, and Protein and Fiber. As well Banana peels are highly rich in Vitamin B6, and C, and water for complete and deep nourishment and moisturization of your skin. 

  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is well known for collagen production which helps improve skin elasticity, and cell production and also fights against the signs of aging. You may find products enriched with vitamin C are very popular such as vitamin C serums, creams, lotion, and so on.
  • Vitamin A: Banana also contains Vitamin A(actually beta carotene) which actually body converts into vitamin A and Vitamin A promotes healthy skin, cell regeneration, and repairs.
  • Antioxidants: Antioxidants dopamine and Vitamin C found in bananas protect skin from oxidative stress and protect from free radicals.
  • Acne Treatment: Banana which are enriched with Vitamin A helps control acne by reducing excess oil and sebum control and prevent clogging of pores.

We all know that a Banana in a morning breakfast, a Protein shake blend with banana, and sliced banana with yogurt are all of's choices to keep themselves healthy and fit. But, do you know that banana is one of the best fruits for your skin and hair? Banana masks are increasing in popularity in terms of DIY home remedies for banana hair masks and banana scrubs for hair and face. Banana is a fruit full of fiber and potassium which is good for skin and hair as well. Banana has nutritional makeup and silica content that improves skin. It's all nutrients that contribute to getting smooth and supple skin.

Table of contents:

Natural Facial Remedies for Banana

  • Banana Face Mask: Mash a ripe banana into a bowl to make a smooth paste and apply it over your face and neck area as a face mask. Let it be for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water. This mask helps your skin cleanse and moisturize well.

  • Banana Scrub: Mash a banana a bit don't make a smooth paste. Add some natural skin exfoliating agents such as sugar or oats to create a scrub. Sugar is a well-known exfoliator for removing dead skin and is found in many skincare products of exfoliating. Gently rub this scrub over your face and massage with your hands for 5 minutes rinse off with plenty of water and pat dry.

Wonderful benefits of Banana for Skin & Hair

Banana is a powerful fruit full of health benefits and nutrition. Bananas are high in Potassium, Vitamin C, and B6 which are good for hair and skin both.

(1)Naturally Moisturizes Skin: Banana is a great natural moisturizer for the skin. It contains Vitamin A that repairs and revives dry skin and retains skin's lost moisture. I make your skin soft and smooth in a matter of a few minutes only. Along with it removes pigmentation and hydrates skin and gives clean and clear skin.

You just need to mash a banana and apply this facial pack on your face for 15 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water. You can add some honey to the mashed banana to make it more effective, especially for dry skin.

(2)Glowing Skin: Banana face packs are great home remedies to remove pigmentation and brighten skin complexion. It gently exfoliates, nourishes, and moisturizes skin cells. It contains antioxidants that help to remove dead skin cells, cleanse and give youthful and glowing skin, and rejuvenate!

Bananas can be used for all skin types and it is a natural remedy for brighter skin from normal to dry skin, oily skin, acne, and combination skin. 

(3) Anti-Ageing: Bananas are rich in nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants that help to fight against the signs of aging. A mashed banana and avocado face mask is used to get youthful skin, moisturize and nourish skin, and make it soft and firmer with a brighter glowing, and anti-age look. 

The banana avocado face mask is very easy to make at home:

Bananas are rich in nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants that help to fight against the signs of aging. A mashed banana and avocado face mask is used to get youthful skin, moisturize and nourish skin, and make it soft and firmer with a brighter glowing, and anti-age look. 

  • Take a ripe banana avocado and coconut oil and mix all 3 ingredients.
  • Put this mask on your face for up to 20-30 minutes.
  • Rinse off the face mask and pat dry.

(4) Skin Exfoliation and Dead Skin Removal: Get rejuvenated skin! Revive and repair dead skin cells and remove tan with these natural banana masks at home. They are moisturizing and hydrating masks that gently exfoliate and cleanse skin without making it dry. It makes skin so soft, smooth, and plump to touch and feel! 

(5)Natural Remedy for Cracked Heels: Yes, you read it right! Bananas are also used for crack and dry feet. Its moisturizing properties help to get rid of that flaky and dry skin on your foot and complete care for your feet. Follow the below steps to make a natural remedy for dry feet:

  • Mash the banana and apply it on your clean and dry feet.
  • Leave it for 10 minutes and rinse off with cold water.

This natural remedy deeply penetrates, moisturizes and heels cracked skin on feet and gives soft, smooth, and supple heels.

(6)Reduce Eye Puffiness: Bananas help reduce dark circles and puffy eyes on regular use. It has high levels of potassium and antioxidants and that is the reason why banana peel helps lighten dark skin under the eye area, it calms blood vessels and soothes dry skin, reduces wrinkles and eye puffiness, and gives fresh and rejuvenated skin!

(7) Treats acneBananas are also popular for treating acne. It has anti anti-inflammatory property that helps to prevent acne and prone skin. Use a banana peel to treat acne(banana peel has an antioxidant lutein and carotenoid vitamin related to vitamin A which helps to reduce skin inflammation and relieves acne-affected skin.

Well, Bananas are rich in potassium and fiber; from skincare to hair care banana scrubs and masks are popular in DIY homemade remedies naturally to make them at your ease and comfort that includes some of the trendy and popular remedies of banana face packs, banana scrub and banana hair mask and etc.

DIY Home Remedies of Banana 

(1)Banana Scrub For Face: 

Bananas are excellent skin natural moisturizers and rich in vitamin A. Bananas smooth out wrinkles, soften skin, cleanse well, and leave with a soft and smoothness.

  • All You need is: 1 spoon of Aloe Vera gel, 1 tbsp Sugar, 1 Essential Oil

Steps to make a scrub:
  • Mesh up half of half banana into a bowl and mix the sugar granules.
  • Now add a few drops of essential oil of your choice.
  • Mix all the ingredients well.
Directions of use:
    • Gently scrub this mixture on your face and neck area
    • Let it sit for a few minutes and rinse with lukewarm water

    (2)Banana Pack for Face and Hair

    Bananas are the most common fruit easily available and affordable in the market that are actually can be used and beneficial for hair and skin also.

    All You need is just - Banana

    (1) Steps for How to Make Hair Mask
    • Mesh up a single banana fruit's pulp into a bowl
    • Next add the egg yolk or curd it and mix well to get a smooth paste

    Now your hair mask is ready to use. If you don't like that egg's smell you may use only banana pulp for your hair which helps to repair hair damage caused by hair colouring and chemical treatments. You may add some other ingredients like almond oil, honey, and glycerin for day hair.

    Directions of use:
      • Apply this hair pack evenly all over your hair
      • Let it sit for 20-30 minutes
      • Then rinse off with mild shampoo

      (3) Banana-only Face Mask for Face:

      It is as simple as you can't think. Just take half of half banana piece and mesh it. Apply all over your face for 10 minutes and rinse off with warm water. It is better to your this DIY face pack in the morning for fresh skin and glow.

      (4)Acne-control face mask:

      Create a smooth paste by mixing banana pulp with some yogurt/curd. Apply this face pack over your face and neck area and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Yogurt contains probiotics that help acne and prone skin.

      (5)Conditioning hair growth mask:

      Blend a ripe papaya and add some coconut oil or olive oil whatever you desire. Mix well and apply the mixture on your scalp and hair leave it for 30 minutes and rinse off with mild shampoo. This banana hair mask moisturizes and conditions the hair.

      There is another great home remedy of bananas for healthy hair. Take a ripe banana and mash it, add 1-2 teaspoons of honey into it, and add some rosemary essential oil. Mix all the ingredients apply it over your scalp and hair and leave it for 30 minutes. Rinse off with mild shampoo following up with a conditioner. Rosemary essential oil is known for hair growth and honey is also a moisturizing agent for hair. 

      Frequently Asked Questions For Banana For Skin(FAQs)

      Question: Can a banana improve skin texture?
      Answer: Bananas contain antioxidants and have anti-aging and skin-lightening properties for healthy skin. This is the best skin fruit for a glowing complexion with healthy nutrients and benefits to your skin and it is widely used in DIY home remedies and skincare regimens.

      Question: Can I use bananas on my face every day?
      Answer: Bananas are rich in potassium and antioxidants and in ads on it has skin lightening properties. Banana face mask is a good remedy to get clean and clear skin with moisturizing and hydrating effects that make skin soft and glowing. 

      Question: Does banana help make skin tighten?
      Answer: Yes, rubbing a banana peel on your face and neck boosts collagen, reduces dull skin and dead skin cells, cleanses the skin well removes excess oil makes skin supple and soft, and tightens the skin as well.

      Question: Does banana help in anti-aging?
      Answer: Yes, bananas are good skin-benefiting fruits and it has anti-ageing effects. It is used as a scrub and its peel also cleanses the skin, exfoliates moisturizes the skin, and gives soft and smooth younger looking skin.

      Question: How to use a banana for the face?
      Answer: You can mash up banana pulp and apply it over your face and neck area. It moisturizes skin, removes tan, and soothes wrinkles and fine lines too. You can also rub banana peel it has oil oil-controlling benefits and it suits normal to oily and acne-prone skin.

      Question: Can bananas clear acne and pimples?
      Answer: Banana peel has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and oil-controlling effects that remove sebum and excess oil from the skin and unclog pores which in turn helps prevent acne and pimples.

      Question: Is a banana used for glowing skin?
      Answer: Bananas contain healthy skin-benefiting nutrients such as potassium, antioxidants, vitamins, and fatty acids that's why it is a skin fruit that is used in DIY remedies. Its natural properties make skin glowing and youthful it has anti-ageing effects too.

      Question: What are the side effects of bananas on the skin?
      Answer: Generally banana is a natural ingredient and a skin fruit that suits all skin types including acne-prone skin. There are no such side effects hence if you face skin irritation, rashes, or redness or you are allergic to banana(banana peel)then stop using it immediately. 

      Question: Can I rub a peel of banana on my face?
      Answer: Yes, you can rub banana peel over your face. It gently exfoliates the skin and removes acne causing excessive oil, moisturizes and nourishes skin, and gives a brighter complexion.

      Question: Does banana whitens skin tone?
      Answer: If you use banana pulp(mas) on your face, it gently cleanses and moisturizes skin while removing dead skin and oil. It lightens skin tone and removes dark spots. You can add honey to make it more effective and this combination gives an even toned skin.

      Infographics for How to use Banana, remedies, and Benefits

      The conclusion

      Banana has a special place in our regular diet and we all know that bananas are a great source of vitamins, but did you know that bananas are also a great natural skincare product for our skin? After reading this article, you will be astonished at the conclusion. Yes, I got started with the lovely secrets of bananas at the top and then moved on to some nutritional values. Then I managed to get my hands on banana skincare remedies like a face scrub and mask, and I followed up with banana skin and hair benefits. Right after that, you will find some interesting DIY banana home remedies with application methods, and I will finish my article with a few frequently asked buyer questions, plus some beautiful information graphic speeches on bananas for skin and their benefits. Last but not least, I'd like to draw your attention to another natural skincare product "Papaya" to read "Does Papaya Work As A Skin Lightening, Exfoliating, & Moisturizing Agent?"